6 digi_tours of Europe
A project from digi_space.
Kreis Bergstrasse is coordinator of the 2021 ERASMUS+ cooperation partnership:
Project Results

Student goals
By the cooperation of 6 European countries (Germany, Italy, North Macedonia, Romania, Spain, Turkey) young people will work out the importance of tourism for their own region in the next two years and discuss the current situation and chances for the future in four transnational meetings.
Within the framework of ERASMUS+, the Pedagogical Exchange Service of the KMK is funding the project "6 digi_tours of Europe" so participation in workshops and travelling is free of charge.
In addition to the thematic discussion, the project focuses on the promotion of digital skills and the critical examination of social media: In order to approach the topic and to present their own region or to problematize the situation, the young people create videos (e.g. documentaries, commercials) and social media content (e.g. stories, clips) on individual perspectives. The necessary digital skills for this are taught in advance in two online courses and trained in two face-to-face phases.
In the subsequent transnational workshops, the products created (films/social media) form the basis of the thematic discussion (tourism and the future of the regions), but are also themselves the subject of joint work (critical examination of the media concepts and technical implementation).

Project Goals
6 digi_tours of Europe
The pandemic posed a particular challenge to education systems worldwide: new forms of education (including online courses) became necessary and the form of social contact redefined. The success of education and thus equal opportunities is partly determined by the technical equipment, but is essentially shaped by pedagogy and didactics. The project "6 digi-tours of Europe" aims to create and test a course concept through the exemplary development of teaching and learning material in the field of film and social media with corresponding practical phases, which will increase the digital competence of the participants and reclassify digital media in the education system.
Part of the pedagogical concept is the context orientation of the course in order to enable a reference to the life world and potential future of the young people. The topic of tourism and its economic significance for the participating regions was chosen as the main focus.
A central factor for the success of the project is the diverse line-up of partners and the cooperation between different regions of Europe: schools, extracurricular institutions and NGOs from six different countries. In addition to the country-specific education systems, they bring different approaches to digital media and offer an insight into the economic perspective of the regions. Through the different (digital) experiences and (digital) competencies, the partners benefit from each other and can thus support each other in adapting to the new (digital) reality.
The results of the project will be made available to a broad audience in two multiplier events. In addition to teachers from different types of schools, the focus of the participants is on participants from the region (business associations, tourism industry, administration, etc.), so that an impact can be achieved into society.
Project coordinator:
Parnter institutions:
- Gaziosmanpasa Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey
- Asociación Cultural y Deportiva Un futuro con Europa, Spain
- Association myMobility, North Macedonia
- Liceul Tehnologic Nr. 1 Gâlgău, Romania
Erasmus+ Exchanges
#1 Video crash course: part I and II
The German team developed a blended learning course consisting of 8 days with online unit and a 3-day physical workshop. Course concept online modules. The developed multi-day online workshop consists of 25 teaching units plus two hours of feedback. The pedagogical concept is based on the alternation of short days (2h) with theoretical input and long days (5h) with practical exercises. The theoretical phases are embedded in the context of the "Village Movie": During the practical exercises, the young people create a short film about a place in their hometown that is special to them. The online course was held from 12th May – 2nd June 2022.
- Technic, Structure
- Excercise: Introduction
- Theory: Film
- Theory: Storyboard
- Excercise: Village Movie
- Theory: Cut
- Excercise: Ideas for 6 digi_tours
- Statement and Feedback
Teaching and learning videos
In order to meet the requirements of the very heterogeneous target group and national conditions (age 13-18, previous experience, time possibilities, technical equipment, Internet access, etc.), a series of teaching and learning videos have been created, which allow independent and individual use.
Theory film
- How to make a film
- Tips to talk on camera
- Music in films
- Storyboard part 1
- Storyboard part 2
Theory cut
- Examples for editing
- Cuts and transitions
- Shotcut video editor
To accompany the teaching and learning videos, a set of worksheets with tasks, reflections, idea collection, templates, etc. have been created, which can be used in class but also individually.
Video Crash Course (physically):24.-30. September 2022, in Lorsch, Germany
In the subsequent 5-day practical workshop, the students create a 5-10 minute film on the topic of their choice in mixed-national groups. Implemented topics are e.g.: "The Wine Region", "Déjà vu", "Insane".
#2 Social media crash course: part I and II
For promotion on social-media (blended course) thhe Spanish team arranged an online course from 17th to 27th of October 2022 about „Social media“. An expert helped us with the course and gave to the partner’s important information for the products of the project:
• Social Media, general concepts.
• Social Media Tools (Product: Social Media Plan)
• Online Ads (Product: Advertising Plan)
• Copy and Advertising Slogan (Advertising Slogan and Editorial Calendar)
• Design Tips and Tools/Data Analytics (Products: Advertising Poster and Designs for RRSS)
• Data Analytics/Other Digital Marketing Actions.
For the social-media crash course, the Spanish team developed a series of Powerpoint presentations and a set of corresponding worksheets.
Social-media crash course (physically): 13.-17. November 2022, in Granada, Spain
In the subsequent 5-day practical workshop, the students created social-media campaign in mixed-national groups. Implemented topics had been e.g.: "Car sale", "Gym", "Kindergarden".
#3 Tourist Attractions and Museums

The third mobility of our project was from 06.-14. February 2023 in Tetovo, North Macedonia with the participation of all partners.
The focus of this exchange was tourist attractions and museums. The students visited three different destinations in the cities of Tetevo, Skopje and Ohrid in mixed groups. They made films about the tourist spots, such as the Colorful Mosque in Tetovo, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Skopje and the Amphitheater in Ohrid.
The exchange was meant as well to emphasise the intercultural component of the project and allow students to get acquainted with other cultures and ways of thinking.
#4 Cuisine - Traditional Food Culture

The 4th mobility of our project was from 18.-26. March 2023 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania with the participation of all partners. During this week the students studied the different traditions of the local cuisine and visited the patisserie "Pralina" in Cluj-Napoca.
After a refresher on video technology, the stundents each cooked and filmed a national dish.
Germany: Bratwurst with mashed potatoes and sauerkraut
Italy: Risotto
North Macedonia: Fergese Albasani
Romania: Polenta
Spain: Gazpacho
Turkey: Rice Pudding
The exchange was meant as well to emphasize the intercultural component of the project and allow students to get acquainted with other cultures and ways of thinking.
#5 Tourist Resorts - Beach & Sea

The 5th mobility of our project was from 6.-14. -May 2023 in Reggio Calabria, Italy with the participation of all partners. During this week the students focused on the legend of Ulysses and visited different corresponding famous spots in the region like Scilla and Tropea.
After a refresher on video technology, mixed stundent groups took a video on different spots.
#2 - Groticelle Beach, Villa Genoese Zerbi and Ruffo Castle
#3 - Tropea, Reggio Calabria Teatro "Francesco Cilea" and Basilica Cattedrale di Maria Assunta in Cileo
#4 - Tropea (Port and Beach), Reggio Calabria (Work by Edoardo Tresoldi), Scilla (Tourist Port)
#5 - Reggio Calabria (Lungomare Falcomata), Tropea and Scilla (Beach Front)
#6 - Reggio Calabria (Beach), Tropea (Castle) and Monte Sant'Elia
The exchange was meant as well to emphasize the intercultural component of the project and allow students to get acquainted with other cultures and ways of thinking.
#6 Entertainment - Themepark & Dancing

The 6th mobility of our project was from 23. September - 1. October 2023 in Istanbul, Türkiye with the participation of all partners. During this week the students focused on the Topic Entertainment and visited different corresponding famous spots in the region like Vialand and Bosphurus Boat Tours.
After a refresher on video technology, mixed stundent groups took a video of:
- Vialand (Themepark)
- Dancing course
- Bosphours Boat Tour
The exchange was meant as well to emphasize the intercultural component of the project and allow students to get acquainted with other cultures and ways of thinking.
Co-Founded by EU-Program ERASMUS+
The project "STEM + Art = STEAM" belongs to the program part "Erasmus+: cooperation partnerships" and is funded by the programm KA212.

General objective
The general objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to driving innovation, and to strengthening European identity and active citizenship. As such, the Programme shall be a key instrument for building a European Education Area, supporting the implementation of the European strategic cooperation in the field of education and training, with its underlying sectoral agendas. In addition, it is key in advancing youth policy cooperation under the European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and developing the European dimension in sport.
Specific objectives
The Programme has the following specific objectives:
- promote learning mobility of individuals and groups, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion and equity, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training;
- promote non-formal and informal learning mobility and active participation among young people, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of youth;
- promote learning mobility of sport staff, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sport organisations and sport policies.
More information: German NA: Schulbildung - Erasmus+ (erasmusplus.de)
Project data
Project number: KA220-HE-21-24-3446KA220-HE-21-24-3446
Project duration: IV/2021 to III/2023
Funding volume: 274.650 €
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.