Video crash course
General Information
This free video crash course is mentioned for young people at the age of 12-18 years.
The "6 digi_tours of Europe" Video Crash Course is designed to enhance students' video production skills, film theory understanding, and cultural awareness. As teachers, your role is crucial in guiding students through this course effectively. Below are the instructions for conducting the course, detailed strucutre is given by the self-studying instruction for students. The course can be used supervised classroom or for self-study learning.
Instructions for students (self-studying)
Instructions for self-studying
If you would like to get a complete quick introduction, please follow the tasks step by step!
If you would like to get an insight on one of the topics, please pic it directly!Task 1 – Introduction
1. Watch videos
a. #1_Introducing.mp4
b. #2_overview.mp4
c. #3_examples.mp4
2. Work on the worksheets
a. W#1_Brainstorming.pdf
b. W#2_Introduce-yourself.pdf
3. Shoot a short video (30-90 seconds) to introduce yourself.
4. To get an impression of the live course watch
a. Intro-day2.mp4
Task 2 – Introduce yourself
1. Shoot a short video (90-400 seconds) to introduce your village.a. W#3_First steps.pdf
2. Share your videos among your classmates.
3. Discuss the different approaches to the topic.
4. To get an impression of the live course watch
a. Intro-day4.mp4Task 3 - Theory Film
1. Watch video
a. #4_how_to_make_a_film.mp4
2. Work on the worksheet
a. W#4_Question.pdf
3. Watch video
a. #5_6_tips_to_talk_on_kamera_like_a_pro.mp4
4. Work on worksheet
a. W#5_Burj Khalifa.pdf
5. Watch video
a. #6_music_in_films
6. To get an impression of the live course watch
a. Intro-day5.mp4Task4 - Storyboard
1. Watch video
a. #7_storyboard_first_part.mp4
2. Work on the worksheet
a. W#6_Write a scene.pdf
3. Watch video
a. #8_storyboard_second_part.mp4
4. Work on worksheet
a. W#7_Draw a storyboard of your scene.pdf
i. T1_storyboard.pdf and T2_storyboard.pdf could be used as well.
5. Share your storyboard among your classmates.
a. Discuss the different approaches.
6. To get an impression of the live course watch
a. Intro-day7.mp4Task 5 - Exercise Village Movie
1. Draw a storyboard for the topic “Village movie”.
2. Share your storyboard and ideas among your classmates.
3. Work on the worksheet and create a moodboard.
a. W#8_Village movie 1.pdf
4. Share your storyboard and ideas among your classmates.
5. Find your team for your “Village Movie”
a. W#9_Village movie 2.pdf
b. W#10_Village movie 3.pdfTask 6 – Theory Cut
1. Watch video
a. #9_examples_for_editing.mp4
2. Work on the worksheet
a. W#11_Cuts and transitions.pdf
3. Watch video
a. #10_shotcut_video_editor.mp4
4. To get an impression of the live course watch
a. Intro-day8.mp4Task 7 - Exercise 6_digi_tours
1. Work on Worksheet
a. W#12_Village movie 4.pdf
i. Storyboards
ii. Dialogs
iii. Shotcut
iv. Music
v. Foto
vi. Crew
vii. Etc.
2. Share your planning among your classmates.
3. To get an impression of the live course watch
a. Intro-day9.mp4Information for teachers
The "6 digi_tours of Europe" Video Crash Course is designed to enhance students' video production skills, film theory understanding, and cultural awareness. As teachers, your role is crucial in guiding students through this course effectively. Below are the instructions for conducting the course, detailed strucutre is given by the self-studying instruction for students. The course can be used supervised classroom or for self-study learning.
Course Structure:
The course is divided into seven tasks, each focusing on specific aspects of video production and theory. Please ensure that students complete each task in sequential order to maximize their learning experience.
Task 1 - Introduction:
- In this task, students will watch introductory videos and work on corresponding worksheets.
- They will also create a short video to introduce themselves.
- Encourage students to watch the provided video for an overview of the live course.Task 2 - Introduce Yourself:
- In this task, students will create a video introducing their village.
- They will work on worksheets and share their videos with classmates.
- Encourage discussion on different approaches to the topic.Task 3 - Theory Film:
- In this task, students will watch videos related to film theory and answer questions.
- They will also watch a video on talking on camera like a pro.
- Ensure students complete the provided worksheets.Task 4 - Storyboard:
- In this task, students will learn about storyboarding by watching related videos.
- They will work on worksheets and create storyboards.
- Encourage them to share their storyboards and discuss various approaches.Task 5 - Exercise Village Movie:
- In this task, students will draw storyboards for a "Village Movie" and share their ideas.
- They will also create mood boards and form teams for their projects.Task 6 - Theory Cut:
- In this task, students will watch videos about editing and transitions.
- Ensure they complete the provided worksheet.Task 7 - Exercise 6_digi_tours:
- In this final task, students will work on planning for their "Village Movie" projects.
- Encourage them to share their planning and ideas with classmates.Additional Information:
- Remind students that the Video Crash Course is a part of the "6 digi_tours of Europe" project, funded by the Erasmus+ program.
- Encourage active participation and discussion among students throughout the course.
- Regularly check their progress and provide guidance as needed.
- Share feedback and insights with the project coordinators to contribute to the improvement of future courses.Conclusion:
The "6 digi_tours of Europe" Video Crash Course offers a unique opportunity for students to develop valuable video production skills and cultural awareness. By following these instructions and actively engaging with the tasks, students will gain a deeper understanding of film theory and enhance their digital literacy.
Co-Founded by EU-Program ERASMUS+
The project "STEM + Art = STEAM" belongs to the program part "Erasmus+: cooperation partnerships" and is funded by the programm KA212.

General objective
The general objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to driving innovation, and to strengthening European identity and active citizenship. As such, the Programme shall be a key instrument for building a European Education Area, supporting the implementation of the European strategic cooperation in the field of education and training, with its underlying sectoral agendas. In addition, it is key in advancing youth policy cooperation under the European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and developing the European dimension in sport.
Specific objectives
The Programme has the following specific objectives:
- promote learning mobility of individuals and groups, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion and equity, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training;
- promote non-formal and informal learning mobility and active participation among young people, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of youth;
- promote learning mobility of sport staff, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sport organisations and sport policies.
More information: German NA: Schulbildung - Erasmus+ (
Project data
Project number: KA220-HE-21-24-3446KA220-HE-21-24-3446
Project duration: IV/2021 to III/2023
Funding volume: 274.650 €
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.